Tuesday, October 22, 2024


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Coming in the future to surflook.com:
Surflook.com has its eye on new technology that could be put to use to revolutionize surf reporting. Reporting could model exactly how, when, and what part of the beach a set of waves will break.

There is no greater way to get a surf report than being there at the beach and seeing the conditions first hand from the sand or cliffs, watching the set intervals while scanning the horizon. All aspects and effects of putting technology out there to aid in tracking and catching waves will be carefully considered… including the possibility of overcrowding any particular surf spot.

We’d be greatly honored if you take the journey with us and improve the future of your surfing along with surflook’s bold vision for the future of surfing enjoyment and surf forecasting.

“I have developed a new way of predicting wave heights to within less than 1′ standard deviation for a 9 day period based on what I capture from the data dump of numerous ocean buoys.

Data is massaged in microsoft excel and charted for over a weeks worth of data. My method uses less extrapolation and more data. For now I am working with data and creating graphs for the area along San Diego, Ca coast and analyzing the results. Time permitting I will post and share this data and work on a method of sharing this data with the public.”

– James Dalton – – December 2011

Along with future ocean forecasting development as well as shelving/hiding technology with the wrong impacts… surflook has been shifting attention to wave generating technology and seeking out investors and developers for a perfect spot in inland southern California.
The “pipe” dream of being able to create on demand waves to specific size and shape is very feasible in today’s world.
Interested investors, developers and other interested parties please contact surflook.com to pursue further opportunities.

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